Photo: Cape Film Commission |
New media is quickly becoming an essential sector within the film industry and looks to open new doors for developing film industries. It was also the focus of the Cape film Commission’s annual Youth Indaba held on 15 June 2007 at the !Khwa ttu San Culture and Education Centre just outside of Yzerfontein.
The annual Youth Indaba seeks to get film students and first time filmmakers in direct dialogue with leaders in film, both locally and internationally. This year’s speakers included MTV’s Executive Vice President of New Media, David Gale and CFC Commissioner, Laurence Mitchell discussing how this sector is set to change the traditional media formats and execution.
Gale, who has recently taken up the new department within MTV after serving as Executive Vice President of MTV Film, gave the 45 attendees insight into how media is changing the entertainment industry on an international level as well as the opportunities and challenges that it poses local filmmakers. Laurence Mitchell continued on what viability it holds for the South African filmmaker.
Beyond the discussions around new media, the attendees were also given an educational tour of the San Culture Centre at Khwa ttu and provided a unique opportunity to engage and network with fellow filmmakers.

!Khwa ttu: Photo Gallery |
Khwa ttu, in essence was specifically chosen for the Indaba as the Culture Centre expresses the San’s efforts to maintain their tradition while at the same time adapting to a modern world. This reflects in new media where traditional media applications and content is being presented in new, diverse and creative ways.
This is the second year that the CFC is holding the Youth Indaba in celebration of Youth Day. Last year, the Indaba was held around Leadership amongst the youth as part of the 30 year commemoration of the 1976 Soweto Uprisings.