The Sembach Art Gallery
Roger Toms
Hout Bay’s Sembach Gallery has recently passed another birthday which should have been the 1st of April but, as a display of serious intent, it opened on the 2nd!
The gallery is owned by David & Michelle Lincoln-Lewis who retained the name from the previous owner of the business. It is located in one of the town’s oldest buildings, certainly the oldest component of the Mainstream Centre where it is tucked away on the left-hand side of the Main Road entrance, on the bank of the Baviaans River. For those who know Hout Bay as a town of restaurants, the location is often referred to as “next door to Deez Mexican”.
The Sembach purveys works of art to the local cognoscenti as well to buyers from all over the world: David & Michelle are very familiar with the awkward business of exporting art of various forms. The gallery maintains close working relationships with local artists such that work can be commissioned to fit with a particular décor. In the meantime, it overflows with an eclectic collection of all types of paintings, sculptures in bronze and stone, and artifacts in steel. It is guarded by a fearsome-looking dog fashioned from welded-together automotive components: everyone loves it!
Some artists, who entrust the Sembach with their work, include:
- Angela Babaya
- Barbara White
- Helene Train
- Keith Calder (bronze sculptures)
- Lulli dr Villiers-Hamman
- Robin Mann
- Rudolf Rieger (photography)
- Wilma du Toit

Artist: Andre Peypers